Motivation- The ingredients towards success


Motivation don’t happen , you create them


In a quaint little town nestled between rolling hills and lush green forests, there lived a young woman named Maya. She was known for her indomitable spirit and unyielding determination. Despite facing countless challenges and setbacks, Maya remained unwavering in her pursuit of success. Her story serves as a testament to the power of self-motivation.


Maya came from a humble background. Her parents, both farmers, had always struggled to make ends meet. They could barely afford to send her to school, but Maya was hungry for knowledge. She would often stay up late, reading borrowed books by the dim light of a kerosene lamp, dreaming of a brighter future.


As Maya grew older, she realized that education was her ticket out of poverty. She knew that she had to excel in her studies to secure a scholarship that would enable her to pursue higher education. However, life had other plans.


“Don’t overdo, just do.”





One fateful day, a severe drought struck the town. Crops withered, and livestock perished. Maya’s family, already living hand to mouth, faced even greater hardship. Her parents struggled to put food on the table, let alone pay for her education. It seemed as though the universe was conspiring to crush her dreams.


Despite the grim circumstances, Maya refused to give up. She sought odd jobs to earn whatever she could, all while studying tirelessly. She spent countless nights huddled over her books, determined to ace her exams. When her friends went to the movies or played, she stayed home, pouring over her textbooks.


 “Courage doesn’t always roar.”





Years passed, and Maya’s efforts bore fruit. She secured a scholarship to a prestigious university in the city. Her journey, however, was far from over. She had to leave her family behind, moving to an unfamiliar city where she knew no one. The transition was challenging, but she faced it with courage.


Life at the university was rigorous, and Maya often found herself struggling to keep up with her peers who came from more privileged backgrounds. The workload was immense, and she had to take on part-time jobs to cover her living expenses. There were moments when she questioned whether she would ever succeed.


But Maya refused to be discouraged. She reminded herself daily of the obstacles she had overcome to get to this point. Her unwavering self-motivation became her guiding light. She sought help from professors, joined study groups, and slowly but surely, her grades began to improve.


As the years went by, Maya became a model student. She not only excelled in her studies but also actively participated in extracurricular activities. She mentored other struggling students and helped organize community service events. Her determination and resilience were an inspiration to all who knew her.


Upon graduation, Maya faced a new set of challenges. Finding a job in her chosen field was not easy, especially for someone with no connections in the corporate world. Rejection after rejection weighed heavily on her. It was as if the world was testing the limits of her self-motivation.




Maya refused to give in to despair. She continued applying for jobs, attending interviews, and refining her skills. She realized that failure was not a setback but a stepping stone to success. Every rejection only fuelled her determination to prove herself.


One day, after months of relentless effort, Maya received a call. It was a job offer from a renowned company. She had finally achieved what she had been working toward for years. Her journey had been long and arduous, but she had triumphed through sheer self-motivation.


Maya’s story spread far and wide, becoming an inspiration to countless others. She was invited to speak at schools, colleges, and corporate events, where she shared her message of the power of self-motivation. She encouraged others to believe in themselves and persevere in the face of adversity.


Maya’s success did not change her humble nature. She continued to support her family and give back to her community. She started a scholarship fund for underprivileged students, helping them overcome their own obstacles and pursue their dreams.


Maya’s life was a living testament to the fact that self-motivation is the key to success. No matter how dire the circumstances, no matter how many obstacles stand in your way, the fire of determination within you can light the path to greatness. Maya’s journey from a small village to a successful career was a beacon of hope for all those who had the courage to dream and the willpower to pursue those dreams against all odds.


Maya’s story reminds us that success is not reserved for the privileged few but is within reach of anyone who believes in themselves and possesses the unwavering determination to overcome life’s challenges. Maya’s triumph of self-motivation serves as a timeless inspiration to us all.


“The same boiling water that softens the potato hardens the egg. It’s what you’re made of. Not the circumstances.”


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